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Dispensing Medication to Students


*  State Regulations require that all student medications, prescription and non-prescription, must be kept in the school office and have it administered to them by school personnel.  Designated personnel have received certified training and are required to follow certain protocol.


*  State Regulations also mandate that in order for the school to dispense any medication it must be in the original bottle/box, and only the dosage on the bottle can be given.  A note must be sent along with the medication if it is to be given at a certain time. If permission to dispense medication was not given on the Emergency Medical Form we must also have a signed note from the parent. All medication given to a student will be documented in a log. All medications will be kept in a locked cabinet. 


*  If your child has problems with frequent headaches, allergies, etc.  please consider sending a bottle of tylenol/ibuprofin, etc.  to school for your child.  We will label it with their name and keep it locked in the office.  We will dispense it to them as needed.  


*  If you have any questions please contact the school at 986-1621.