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2025 State Wrestling Tickets

The NE State Wrestling Tournament will be held February 20-22 at CHI Health Center in Omaha. Class D wrestles the early sessions this year, with Session 1 wrestling starting at 9:30 am on Thursday. Kristy & Craig Belina have offered to help consolidate the ticket order, hopefully ensuring a strong Howells-Dodge Fan Block and continuing the tradition of support for the wrestling program. 

Individual tickets are available for the Thursday and Friday morning sessions for $9 plus a $1 handling fee per order. Ticket packets for all Class D sessions in the H-D Block are $36 plus a $1 handling fee per order. Order forms are available from Mr. Jones and copies will be left in the main office. You can also email ckbelina@yahoo.com or bjones@hdcjags.org for a paper copy or PDF. Please complete the order form and make checks payable to Kristy Belina.

Order forms with payment for the H-D Block are due Wednesday, December 4th to the Belina’s or Mr. Jones. General admission and individual session tickets will also be available at the door on the days of the competition, and seats are sometimes available near our block.

Thanks again for your support and thank you to the Belina’s for helping to organize the H-D Fan Block. 

Link to the 2025 State Wrestling Schedule below.

Schedule: https://nsaa-static.s3.amazonaws.com/textfile/wrest/wrchampschedule.pdf

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